On Thu, May 13, 1999 at 10:41:14AM +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> I have mutt (0.95.1i) set up to read mail from my mailbox which is
> /usr/spool/mail/chris.  I have my folders set up in ~/Mail.
> After changing to reading mail from one of my folders how do I get
> mutt to go back to reading from my mailbox?  Do I really have to do a
> 'c' command and then type the whole path to the mailbox or is there a
> shortcut of some sort?

-------------------------------- snip ----------------------------------
  4.7.  Mailbox Shortcuts

  There are a number of built in shortcuts which refer to specific
  mailboxes.  These shortcuts can be used anywhere you are prompted for
  a file or mailbox path.
  ·  ! -- refers to your ``$spool'' (incoming) mailbox
  ·  > -- refers to your ``$mbox'' file
  ·  < -- refers to your ``$record'' file
  ·  - -- refers to the file you've last visited
  ·  ~ -- refers to your home directory
  ·  = or + -- refers to your ``$folder'' directory

  ·  @alias -- refers to the ``default save folder'' as determined by
     the address of the alias
-------------------------------- snip ----------------------------------

So just type c!<Return> to return to your spool mailbox.
I've also set up a macro:

macro index I "c!\n" "Change to incoming mailfolder"


Jan Peter Hecking - University of Rostock - Dept. of Computer Science
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      (icq #14643959)  /\/\ 
public key: http://www.informatik.uni-rostock.de/~jhecking/pgp  \--/ 
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