Quoth Joshua N Pritikin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Hi!
> First of all, thanks for developing such a great piece of software!

        Can't take credit, but I'll certainly drink to that!  :)

> I am interested in seeing all the mail headers and then pruning them
> down.  However, this doesn't seem to work:
>   unignore *
>   ignore X-Filter In-Reply-To Autoforwarded X-UID 
> After 'unignore *', mutt seems to forget about the ignores.  Am I
> doing something wrong?

        Hmm.  I use the inverse of that statement in my .muttrc, and it
works fine:

   ignore *
   unignore from date subject to cc reply-to:
   unignore organization organisation 
   unignore posted-to:

        As someone has pointed out already, once you unignore something,
it's hard (impossible) to ignore it again, but if you turn everything off,
then selectively turn on the headers you want to see, it works fine.
I agree--what you did should work, and it's somewhat unintuitive that it
doesn't (perhaps it follows a syntax model with which I'm not
familiar...).  HTH!


                          Joseph Purvis ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
           There's no time like the present. But a couple of minutes ago
              probably bore a *striking* similarity.  --Lev L. Spiro

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