For the past four years I've used Gnus under Emacs as my MUA.  I got
tired of the slowness and switched to mutt.  I think mutt is awesome,
but I miss one thing from Gnus: scoring.

Mutt has the beginnings of it.  I'll list what I miss and I solicit
comments about how I might go about getting a similar effect in mutt.

1 - No UI for entering scores from within mutt.  So, I'm reading along
and I realize the thread I'm on has turned into a flame war.  I want a
convenient way to score that subject down without having to muck with
my muttrc.  In Gnus, I just type 'L' and it prompts me for the rest.

2 - No way to show threads but still sort by score.  In the threaded
display, gnus can sort first by thread, then by score.  Maybe
something like:


If there are easy ways to accomplish these things within mutt?  If
not, if I implemented these things, would they be accepted into mutt?
Or would they be considered bloat.

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