Rejo writes:
> ++ 16.04.1999, 17:09:54 (+0100) = Lars Hecking:
> > If you're not relying on any special mutt features you're probably better
> > off using /bin/mail or /bin/mailx instead or whatever your OS provides.
> Why is that? I have used this mutt consctruction myself a lot (i used it
> in a script to send me the logs of a wget session -for a mirror- which
> was done on another host daily). Works perfectly...
 I normally try to restrict myself to using only programs from /, /usr
 for cron jobs and shell scripts. One reason is portability (we have a
 heterogenous network here), the other is that the server where mutt
 and other stuff resides may not be available. Other than that, feel
 free to use whatever you like :)

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