On  0, Jeremy Blosser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > In fact, there is; it's called next-message :-)
> Actually they are 'next-entry' and 'previous-entry'.

Wow, I think I have managed to waste all of your time's twice in one day,
I had these bound all along, in the default keys, and had in fact been using
them, for some reason I managed to get it in to my head, that they didn't
work in this way, and so I mailed my message asking for help.
All I can say is sorry. :)

But, there is one thing, is there any way to bind the ALT key, I have
searched the manual, and the closest I can find is <esc>, I was hoping to be
able to use C-v and M-v, M=meta i.e. ALT, a la Emacs for paging up and down,
however, I can't seem to bind Alt in any way.

Actually, there is another thing aswell, the format of the messages listed,
when chosing a postponed message to carry on writing, can this be customised
? so it does not say who it is From, because that is obviously me, but to
say To instead, it is kind of like the index_format, but when I tried adding
one of these to folder hook, it did not work, i think because I wasn't
actaully opening the folder.

Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications (CUT): http://www.unmetered.org.uk
UK Independance Party (NOW WITH 3 MEP's!!): http://www.IndependenceUK.org.uk
For GnuPG pupblic key, reply with Subject "request key" --------------------

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