Hi everybody,   SuSE 6.1 kernel 2.2.5 iso-8859-1 be-latin2.map

Since I've upgraded to: 
Mutt 0.95.6i (1999-06-03), I've a problem with the "set charset=iso-8859-1", it takes 
the default charset: us-ascii.
During the compilation, I've received many errors about the chr, it can't find the 
unicode and I don't know how to force it because my charset map is corrcet and I've 
compiled other's soft without probs.

Any idea? 
Thank's a lot

Ed Sullivan will be around as long as someone else has talent.
                -- Fred Allen
 -o)         Dany Vanderroost         (o-  |     
 /\\          Linux for ever          //\  |   You may say I'm a hacker,  
_\_v           and anywhere           v_/_ |   but I'm not the only one.

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