On Fri, Sep 03, 1999 at 01:08:00PM +0200, Maciej Majchrowski wrote:
> There is a standrard bind such as:
> bind   index   m       'mail'
> I want to make something like this:
> bind   index   M       'my_hdr From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; mail'
> But I doesn't work at all :-(

use a macro to do more than one thing,

macro   index   M       ':my_hdr From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n<mail>'

> And second question. How to bind an external command to a key,
> such as F1 is bind to 'zless /usr/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz'.

macro   index   <F1>    '!zless /usr/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz'

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