On Monday, 06 September 1999 at 19:40, Brandon Long wrote:
> On 08/30/99 Brendan Cully uttered the following other thing:
> > Well, I finally did a little investigating into how Mutt handles the
> > Cyrus IMAP server and, frankly, it's not too good.
> > 
> > As a side note, the advice to set your $folder to "{server}INBOX." is
> > actually fine. Cyrus explicitly names the home namespace "INBOX", where
> > it is omitted in UW-IMAP.
> Using {server}user.<login>. works better, since then it should have a
> parent for browsing.


If it's {server}INBOX. (not INBOX), then the INBOX namespace is the
parent. But why should it need a parent? At root, it should default to
display the home namespace and other namespaces, no?

> > Selecting the INBOX is hard work unless done explicitly - I think Mutt's
> > namespace code could use some work.
> > 
> > I'm going to try to make some sense out of Mutt's Cyrus interaction.
> > People who said it was a mess are absolutely right - I just haven't
> > tested against it until now.
> One possibility is to go with the way Outlook and Communicator have
> gone, which is to have a local cache of the folders, and cache the
> entire hierarchy.  With cyrus, you can even just fetch everything (ie,
> LIST "" user.blong.*) since it is unlikely to be large.  UW is the pain,
> since its basically an ls -R of the entire directory structure.  The way
> other clients work is usually to use a combination of
> subscribe/unsubscribe, lsub/list and cache the results, with a way to
> "update folder list" or what not to refetch the list.  They also
> generally specify a "root" for the mail directory on the server (for UW,
> I imagine) so people can set that to /home/blong/Mail and not do an ls
> -R on / or even their home directory.
> Ugh, eh?  The only things worse than IMAP are the implementations.

Well, I want to do some sort of caching system later, but I don't think
it should be necessary for browsing to work right. As for subscription
lists, I admit I don't really know what they're for, but I wasn't
planning to do more with them than use them as sort of a mailboxes
command - just check subscribed folders for new mail or something. I
guess browsing only subscribed folders like we're doing now also makes
sense. The problem with LSUB is it doesn't return any flags, so to do
useful browsing you have to combine it with LIST like you said. That's
why I've been pretty much ignoring LSUB for now (especially since I got
the file mask working with IMAP folders).

I don't think it should be necessary to get the entire LIST "*" tree
back at any point. Possibly running STATUS on each folder returned by
LIST could make sense, so in a souped-up browser we could put number of
messages/number of subfolders fields in...

As a side note, Cyrus browsing isn't so bad now. I really want to
implement the browser changes which were discussed earlier on mutt-dev,
then we'll see what kind of state we're in. Namespace stuff still needs
some work.

I've been mostly working on speed, but with the latest sync stuff I did
I'm pretty happy with that. I think I'll take out the forced buffy check
on folder open, and implement server COPY. Then my immediate speed goals
should be satisfied, and I can happily work on browsing and Cyrus stuff.
"I hope I don't win                |          .-_|\ 
 The rules say to bring a friend   |         /     \
 I don't have any"                 | Perth ->*.--._/

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