Clint Olsen [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> On Sep 20, Jeremy Blosser wrote:
> > 80 is still considered the maximum safe width to assume for a window.  But
> > since emails get indendted by reply characters like lots of >'s, you should
> > use something like 72-75 to keep it under 80 through several levels of
> > replies.
> > 
> > You can do it a few ways in vim, the relevant command is
> > 'set textwidth=75'.  I do it with:
> > 
> > autocmd FileType mail set textwidth=75
> This is all moot if you use VIM since it is capable of handling multiple
> levels of quoting and can format to any textwidth you desire.  See help :gq
> within VIM 5.X.  I set my textwidth to 75 and just format everyone's
> replies when I see fit.

I don't really think it's moot...

1) setting your textwidth is out of consideration for those that receive
your mail, whereas having vim and using it to reformat mail is your concern
when you read your mail

2) vim's reformatting doesn't help when you're viewing mail in the pager

Jeremy Blosser   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
"If Microsoft can change and compete on quality, I've won." -- L. Torvalds

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