It seems to me that I should be able to do the following:

Select a message with multiple MIME attachments and hit 'v' to go into
the attachments menu, tag one or more of the attachments then type
';f' to forward tagged attachments.

Mutt allows me to go through the procedure, but doesn't forward as
expected.  In fact, it has very bizzare behavior, i.e. I mailed myself
a message with 3 text files attached, went it and tagged the second
one and forwarded it to myself, and it seemed to work.  However, when
I went in and tagged the first and third attachments, it again
forwarded the second attachment to me and when I tagged only the third
attachment, I again got the second in the forward.

So, first, is there a right way to do this and second, what's up with
the bizarre behavior I described?


Since I'm writing anyway, could someone repost the procmail rule to
turn non-MIME PGP signatures into MIME compliant attachments?

Eric Brunson                * _ o  *       Faster and faster,             
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        * / //\           until the thrill of speed    
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                \>>|   *         overcomes the fear of death
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               \\,      

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