The content of this message is really contained in its subject line,
but here are the details:

In my .muttrc I have the assignment
   set index_format="%4C %Z %[%m-%d] %-20.20L (%?M?#%03M&%4l?) %s"
and everything works just fine.
However, some of my folders (actually maildir directories) contain mail
spanning several years, while others are specialized to only a single year,
or even a single month.
For those folders which span years, I would like to use a date field of
%[%Y-%m-%d] in the index_format.
So, to set up both a default date field and a specialized date field,
I added to .muttrc the following:

folder-hook . set index_format="%4C %Z %[%m-%d] %-20.20L (%?M?#%03M&%4l?) %s"
folder-hook a-folder-spanning-years     \
        set index_format="%4C %Z %[%Y-%m-%d] %-20.20L (%?M?#%03M&%4l?) %s"

since Section 3.4 of the mutt manual says "the settings are not restored
when you leave the mailbox."

But when I then run mutt, and enter any folder, mutt beeps and says
   %Z: unknown variable
and the index display shows the four digit numbers only, nothing else.

I'm running Mutt 0.95.3i (1999-02-12) from the Debian 2.1 (slink) distribution.

Any thoughts?


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