At 12:30 PM EDT on October 27 David DeSimone sent off:
> Rob Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > At  6:14 AM EDT on October 27 Martin Julian DeMello sent off:
> > > It'd be nice if mutt had an 'abort' key,
> > 
> > It does.  Control g
> It doesn't abort reading a huge folder.  In fact, nothing does.  Once
> you start to read that 20 MB folder, you're going to be there until it's
> done.

Control c?  Control Alt Delete?  Pulling out the plug?  An axe to the disk?

Some of the "solutions" from Windoze also work in UNIX, but I don't have any
folders that big to actually test them...

"They think they can make fuel from horse manure. Now I don't know if your car
will be able to get thirty miles to the gallon, but it's sure gonna put a stop
to siphoning." - Billie Holliday
Robert I. Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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