On Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 15:26:56 +0100, Martin Schröder wrote:
> Hi,
> when I read the attached mail mutt only displays the signature
> and tells me it can't find an entry for text/html. I have to view
> the attachments to see the text/plain part.
> Any idea what's going wrong?

Yes. The mail is of type "multipart/alternative" with 3 parts:
 - The normal text/plain part
 - The same text in a text/html part
 - The signature in anoter text/plain part

All 3 parts should have alternative versions of the same
information, but they don't in this case. Mutt does the right thing
by displaying the last of the alternative parts. RFC 2046 says:

   the order of body parts is significant. In this case, the
   alternatives appear in an order of increasing faithfulness to
   the original content. In general, the best choice is the LAST
   part of a type supported by the recipient system's local


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