Dominik Vogt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   send-hook .                  "my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>   send-hook "^ *[fF]vwm"       "my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>   send-hook "^ *[mM]utt"       "my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

You seem to have a few minor nits that I'd like to pick at, here...

The first is that you seem to assume that Mutt can only use a simple
regular expression here.  Actually, Mutt expects a "pattern", of which
there is a section in the manual.  You could do better to specify which
part of the address you're matching on, such as the From:, To:, or Cc:. 
The default, if you give a simple expression, is to match all three.

    send-hook '~C ^fvwm' "my_hdr From: ..."

might be closer to the effect you're looking for.

The second is that you are assuming that the pattern matches the entire
header line, so that you need to match some whitespace coming before the
address.  This is not true; Mutt only matches on the actual address,
when you use an address pattern.  So, if your pattern is '~t ^fvwm', and
the header says "To: Those Guys that Do FVWM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>", the
pattern will match, because the only string that Mutt will attempt a
match on is "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"; it will ignore the full-name portion.

The third is that you need to force Mutt to look for upper and lower
case characters with your pattern.  This is not true; Mutt will match
the pattern case-insensitively, if your pattern contains no upper-case
characters.  So you should be able to use these instead:

    send-hook .                "my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
    send-hook '~C ^fvwm'       "my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
    send-hook '~C ^mutt'       "my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

These ought to work, whether you are replying, or list-replying, as long
as one of the recipients (To or Cc) matches "fvwm" or "mutt".  Of
course, if they match both, you will get the latter as your From: 
header.  That's how hooks work.

David DeSimone   | "The doctrine of human equality reposes on this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  that there is no man really clever who has not
Hewlett-Packard  |  found that he is stupid." -- Gilbert K. Chesterson
UX WTEC Engineer |    PGP: 5B 47 34 9F 3B 9A B0 0D  AB A6 15 F1 BB BE 8C 44

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