At 05:53 AM 1999/11/15 +0200, you wrote:
>Reed Lai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Sun, 14 Nov 1999:
> > or update ncurses to 5.0, and make sure the old version of ncurses has
> > been purged or warped to new version... but carefully, purge ncurses
> > may cause some curses-programs (telnet, telnetd, man...) to stop work.
>telnet and telnetd use curses?????  I would think that's very strange.
>Especially telnetd which is a daemon...

...I don't know why, but after I deleted, I can not
telnet in(request the service of telnetd) and telnet out from that host.
If I do that, telnet will tell me that it can not load
and when I warped it to new version of ncurses, then it works.

I think, telnet use function calls from ncurses...


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