I'm using mutt 1.1 (because of the more robust IMAP handling) and am having
some trouble with mbox-hook.  In my .muttrc I have (among others) the
following lines:
set imap_user=username
set imap_pass=password
mbox-hook {server}INBOX {server}Read-Mail
set spoolfile={server}INBOX
set mbox={server}Read-Mail
set postponed={server}Postponed
set record={server}Sent-Mail
set move=ask-yes
In 1.0 this is all hunky-dorey, however in 1.1 mutt never moves my mail for
me on exitting the mail box.  I can manually tag, save and delete, but this
gets somewhat tedious.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  I've looked at
the code and can't seem to find anything which would help me.  I've tried
changing the {server}INBOX in mbox-hook to all sorts of things (including *
and .*) to see if perhaps the {}'s were screwing up the regular expression
matching, but all to no avail.  And, I can't seem to find anything in the
docs which suggests how this usage might have changed from 1.0 to 1.1.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If anyone cares to look, I've placed a copy of my muttrc at


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|My opinions are those of snurgle.org, not Oracle /   [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
!http://www.snurgle.org/~griffon/                / [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
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