At 14:22 10/12/1999 +0000, Andreas Wessel wrote:
 > > MAILDIR="$HOME/Mail"       # or wherever your monthly folder resists
 > >
 > > And in muttrc:
 > >
 > > set folder="$HOME/Mail"            # or wherever your folder resists
 > I already have all these settings - just forgot to mention them...
 > Works for all my "static" mailboxes - but NOT for the monthly ones...

You said that you used `test ! -d` to see whether the mailbox
existed. Would this access the mailbox and therefore change the
various time/date attributes?

When I experimented a while ago, I'm sure that I didn't have to
use `test` - the mailbox is created automatically by procmail
(it doesn't create directories by itself, though). I filter my
mail by using...

# Mutt

... with ${MONTHSTRING} being simply "MONTHSTRING=`date +%Y-%m`"
- there are no tests to see whether the file exists before the
mail is put there.

HTH, etc, blah.

   Kris (I would've replied earlier but I assumed someone else
would reply before me. And don't blame me if the formatting in
this male is icky... not my fault, honest!) 

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