
I'm sort of new to mutt, and there are some things I'd like to be able to 
do with it that I'm not sure how to accomplish.  Can anyone offer advice?
Sorry if this list seems long - I've been collecting.  :)

- In the index of a folder, I'd like the arrow key to scroll over deleted
messages as well.  Right now if I delete a message and then want the 
scrollbar to go back to that message, I have to type the msg #.

- When I get to the end of the message, right now if I scroll down any more
(either via space bar or arrow key or whatever) it automatically jumps me
to the next one.  I want it to stop doing that - I often don't know that's 
the end, so I dont' get to read the bottom (or hit the delete key).  Ideally
I'd like the space bar to not move to the next message, but the down arrow
key to still do so.

- This isn't strictly a mutt question, but...I use emacs as my editor.
Do you know if there is a way to make it position the cursor at the
first empty line automatically?  Also is there an e-mail writing mode?
Not sure what that would be, but I thought I'd ask....

Thanks everyone.


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