I recently upgraded from mutt 0.95 to 1.0i (using the Debian "slink"

I'm pretty sure that this upgrade is what triggered the following change
in behavior: before, I would see in "real time" the output of my
sendmail process (I have a -v on my sendmail command), but now I just
see the words "Sending Mail..." in the status line, and only get the
"Output of delivery process" (viewed with the internal pager) if the
delivery fails.

The manual says in the "sendmail_wait" section:
  Note that if you specify a value other than 0, the output of the child
  process will be put in a temporary file.  If there is some error, you
  will be informed as to where to find the output.

My sendmail_wait *is* 0, but it seems that the output is put into a
temporary file anyway. I assume that most people like the new behavior
better (that is, that it is a feature), but I like to watch the SMTP
connections as they happen and so I'd like to get the old behavior back. 
Is there any way to do this?

I didn't see this mentioned in the "changes" file (or the FAQ), or find
anything in the manual that looked apropriate.


Nathan Stratton Treadway  | Ray Ontko & Co. | Software consulting services
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | Richmond, IN    | http://www.ontko.com/   

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