And upon Wednesday of February 02, the illustrious Matthew Hawkins spoketh the
> On 2000-02-01 15:50:00 -0800, Corey wrote:
> >   Why do I see two instances of each folder, one with a '.' appended
> >   and one without? 
> It's because some IMAP servers, Cyrus is one of them, support having
> folders inside folders, and a mailbox with the same namespace as a
> folder.
> It irritates me too, unfortunately I don't think its possible, in a
> generic way, for mutt to figure out which are mailboxes and which are
> folders.  I think the problem would best be solved by Brendan's idea of
> a proxy IMAP server - this server could support specialised situations
> like this, and mutt doesn't have to worry about it.

  Interesting... I did not suffer this same behavior while using Pine - that
  makes me believe perhaps there is in fact a work around.  

  But the hell if I'm going back to Pine!  Mutt's just way to cool.

  Well, at any rate - my ultra-cheesy, half-assed partial work around is to
  unsubscribe from the actual mailbox instance ( the "dotless" one ) of each 
  folder. Now, this *would* work moderately well if it were not for the 
  annoyance that for some reason I'm unable to unsubsribe from folders ( the
  ones with the dot ) -- the idea being to selectively display folders without
  their accompanying mailbox, and then to selectively display mailboxes without
  their companion folder object.  ( if that makes any sense at all ... ) 

  Ah well - can't have everything, eh?  <grin>



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