Mikko Hänninen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

> Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 24 
>Feb 2000:

> It should match, provided that there's no specific binding for the keys
> in that map (=the context, index/pager/etc.).  Ie. the map-specific
> bindings always override generic bindings.  So you can't make a generic
> binding and expect it to work immediately in all the different contexts,
> it only takes effect if those contexts don't have a definition in their
> map.

understant, but I have no map-specific bindings in pager bind to ?.
> So, I'm guessing that you have ? bound to help in the pager.

yes, but it's mutt default, but it's default for index too and there it works.

> Possible solutions:
> 1) bind ? in pager (and all the other maps where you want it to work)
> specifically to search, and do the same for <f1>

this works, but q. is why does not work "generic" ?

Here are bindings and macros from my .muttrc

#some vi like bindings in pager
bind pager 'j' next-line
bind pager 'k' previous-line
bind pager \Cu half-up
bind pager \Cf half-down
bind pager \CU previous-page

bind index '{' previous-thread
bind index '}' next-thread

#go to first mail
bind index '+' first-entry
#go to last mail
bind index '=' last-entry

#opposite search
bind generic '?' search-opposite

#redefine help
bind generic '<f1>' help

#rebind alias
bind index 'A' create-alias
bind pager 'A' create-alias

#clear N flag from messages
macro index \eN T~N\n\;WN\;W*
#delete big messages need sync mailbox for sucess
macro index \eD T~z>10000\n\;d
#macros for urlview(ctrl-b)
macro index \cb |urlview\n
macro pager \cb |urlview\n
#macro for jumping to flaged message
macro index a<Tab> /~F\n

                          don't worry about glory

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