Enable verbose logging in procmail. And remember that you need a
 local lockfile for file deliveries.

 This is really off-topic here.

 A searchable procmail mailing list archive is at
J McKitrick writes:
> Well, i took your advice, and according to the test, this should work.
> I tried the most basic possible procmail filter:
> I'm trying to match subjects with 'test' in them.  But every time i
> send myself such a message, it disappears into oblivion.
> The procmail rule sends it to 'chat', which is a mailbox 
> ~/mail/chat
> But it never shows up in chat.  No thing returns from the mailing, no
> errors.  It just disappears.
> jm
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------
> Jonathon McKitrick  /  [EMAIL PROTECTED] \
> "I prefer the term Artificial Person myself."/
> ---------------------------------------------

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"
                -- Vroomfondel

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