At 23:52 -0500 18 Mar 2000, "James F. Kubecki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> set nouse_domain                              # 'cause I'm on a dialup
> my_hdr From: James F. Kubecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> # Default email
> set alternates=((james|linux)|[EMAIL PROTECTED])
> set reverse_name=yes
> So here are my questions:
> 1.    When I receive email at [EMAIL PROTECTED], and reply to it, I get
> a "From" header of [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Why?  How can I change this?  My
> understanding of the reverse_name is that it will figure out which email
> the message was TO, and reply appropriately.  Am I mistaken?

The 'my_hdr From:' command is overriding the effect of reverse name.  If
you're using a 1.1.x version, you can set the 'from' variable to the
address you want to be the default instead of using my_hdr.

> someone without a send-hook, it will always be the my_hdr From
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  The only way I can see to email from a different
> address without a send-hook would be to turn on edit_headers and manually
> change the address, which seems inefficient to me.  How should I handle
> this in Mutt?

You can use the edit-from command in the send menu.  The default binding
is <Esc>F .

Aaron Schrab     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you consistently take an antagonistic approach, however, people
 are going to start thinking you're from New York.   :-)
   --Larry Wall to Dan Bernstein

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