On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 06:08:30PM +0200, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
>>>>> "Mikko" == Mikko Hänninen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Mikko> No.

    Mikko> I don't understand what you're trying to do with your combination
    Mikko> of send-hoko and "unset weed".  Is there something that setting
    Mikko> $edit_headers doesn't do?

Sorry, I thought you had read my earlier message. 

Briefly, under Mutt 1.0, even if weed was set, you got the full headers when
replying to a mail message (because I "set header"). Now, for consistency, in
Mutt 1.1.9, you get the same headers you see in the pager when replying to a
message. So ... if you have weed set, those headers are removed from the

SC (Super Cite) needs the full headers in order to process the message
properly. I have to either "unset weed" or run "display-toggle-weed" so that
all headers are in the reply. When I am done with the reply, I am back in the
pager but with weed unset or display-toggle-weed in the wrong mode.

What I would like is to have weed on when I am in the pager but off when I am
replying to a message. Something like 'display-toggle-weed; reply;

Eric M. Boehm                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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