Hmmm, oddly, I rec'd the exact same message today !! It appears someone
may have skimmed the mutt list for e-mail addresses.

But, why your name didn't show in the header was that you (and I and
probably others on this list) were "Blind Carbon Copy"'d. This is how
spammers do it. With a "BCC", what good would it do if I sent you an
e-mail and BCC'd your boss (because I didn't want you to know he/she was
copied) and all you had to do was check the message headers and find out I
did that ??


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Suetterlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, March 30, 2000 12:20 PM
Subject: Problem: I recieved a strange email with several strange headers.

> I recieved a strange email from some company. The mail headers do not
list me as recipient so I do not know why I did recieve the mail at all.
Also the top 'FROM ' header line (and the derieved return path) is a bit
strange and I do not really know what to make of it. I attached the email
to this letter, so if any of You mail gurus are listening perhaps You know
why I get this mail and what to make of the header line.
> Robert S. {:).
>Robert S"utterlin
>office phone: +(49)89 / 3299 - 3545
>office address: Giessenbachstrasse, POBox 1603, 85740 Garching, Germany
>priv phone: (+49)89 / 54 76 31 83
>address: Siglstr. 15, 80686 Muenchen, Germany.

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