Once I thought about asking for a new command -- <reverse-limit>.  Then
I realized that it was not necessary -- one could just write a macro
like this: <limit><home>!(<end>)<enter>

So far so good.  However there's a strange bug/feature:

  foo           limits to messages matching pattern foo
  !(foo)        limits to messages not matching pattern foo
  !(!(foo))     limits to messages not matching pattern foo too! But
  (!(!(foo)))   limits to messages matching pattern foo

Now if I omit the parentheses, the behaviour is what I'd call `normal':

  foo           limits to messages matching pattern foo
  !foo          limits to messages not matching pattern foo
  !!foo         limits to messages matching pattern foo

But this won't work with foo == "~C x | ~C y", for example.

(BTW one cannot reverse "really simple patterns" with this method --
$default_hook is then simply used to match for "~f !foo !~P | (~P ~C !foo)"...)

Marius Gedminas
If A equals success, then the formula is A = X + Y + Z.  X is work.  Y
is play.  Z is keep your mouth shut.
                -- Albert Einstein

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