On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 02:51:19PM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> ...and then Belinda Roussel said...
> % I need to send an html web page on Unix and I don't know how to. Could
> % anyone please give me some guidance or direct me to a helpful web site
> Although this is the list for users of, and questions specifically
> pertaining to, the mutt mail program, perhaps someone can be of help.

She wants to periodically and automatically mail a web page from *nix
to a Netscape user and have it appear as HTML, not as raw ASCII. I

  You can MIME encode and send from the command line with Mutt:

  mutt -s "daily data" -a ~/data.html [EMAIL PROTECTED] < ~/boilerplate_text

  "data.html" is the HTML formatted file, "boilerplate_text" is any file 
  (to make mutt happy), and "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is the recipient address . 

  You can create a shell script that will issue this command periodically
  using cron.

It seems to work, though there may be better ways. 


"They have computers, and they may have other weapons of mass
  destruction." --Janet Reno, US Attorney General, 2.27.98

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