I thought I'd try out scoring.  Everything works fine until I decided to
remove one of my scoring rules.  I was expecting certain messages to become
unflagged (since they do not receive a high enough score anymore), but alas,
they stay flagged.  Putting '%N' in the index_format though confirms that the
score of those messages is now 0.  Is there some command that needs to give to
mutt to have all the messages explicitly rescored?

Maciej Kalisiak | <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac [McQ]
PGP->finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 C7
GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- V--
PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+>++++ DI+ G+ e>+++>++++(*) h--- r+++ y? 

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