On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 12:42:05AM +0200, Steffan Hoeke ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 03:18:03PM -0700, Drew Bloechl muttered:
> > On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 12:08:56AM +0200, Steffan Hoeke wrote:
> > > I noticed there are 2 mailing list addresses in use :
> > > and
> > 
> > It's actually the same list, the machine just has more than one 
> > name.  


> IMHO not correct, an nslookup of mutt.org returns
> nslookup gbnet.net returns unknown host/domain

Yes, but:

   % nslookup -type=MX gbnet.org
   gbnet.org       preference = 20, mail exchanger = ns.gbnet.net
   gbnet.org       preference = 10, mail exchanger = ford.gbnet.org

Of course, you probably didn't do the MX part, but that's what we're
talking about here--where mail goes.

   % nslookup -type=MX mutt.org
   mutt.org        preference = 30, mail exchanger = turing.cs.hmc.edu
   mutt.org        preference = 10, mail exchanger = ns.gbnet.net
   mutt.org        preference = 20, mail exchanger = ford.gbnet.org

> a ping to www.mutt.org and www.gbnet.net returns different IP's ...

So?  :-)

Jim Toth

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