Glenn Bajana wrote:

>The more I test the more confused I get. I think it would be simpler to
>get a schematic idea of what _should_ be appearing. Please read on.
>| Received: from localhost.localdomain []
>                ([EMAIL PROTECTED]); Sun, 23 Apr 2000
>                17:18:48 -0400 1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2.

If your outgoing mail is still bouncing and you've made lots of changes
to maybe you would be better off starting over from a known
state with the original  I found the "sendmail address
rewriting howto" helpful.  There's a copy here: 

Or if you've had enough of m4 for awhile you could try using
install-sendmail.  It's a perl script that will setup and the
tables in /etc/mail for you.  Just answer yes to masquerading, smarthost,
and aliasing, and it should set it all up.

Hope this helps,


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