I have the following in my .muttrc:

send-hook '~t plogic.com' 'set signature=~/.signature.work from="Adam Lazur 

Which I think is telling mutt that want it to use my plogic.com
address and work signature when emailing people at plogic.com.

However, it doesn't work that way. It will change the signature, but
from doesn't get changed.

The odd thing is, if I test email to plogic.com twice in a row, from
_will_ change after the first time. Is there an issue with setting the
from variable with a send-hook ?

Oh, btw, I'm using mutt 1.1.11 (haven't gotten around to 1.1.12 yet)


[     Adam Lazur | Computer Engr Ugrad | Lehigh Univ. |   _ __      ]
[        icq 3354423 | http://www.lehigh.edu/~ajl4    |__( | /_     ]
 "A wise man reads the man page. A fool must be beaten with a club."

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