On Fri, May 05, 2000 at 02:59:01AM +0300, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
> Corey G. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 04 May 2000:
> > Would changing your umask work?
> Probably not, my umask is 022 and Mutt still creates new folders and
> saved files with mode 600.  I think it's a security precaution and a
> good default, since usually you do not want other people reading your
> mail -- or by extension, the files you got via email.  Still, having
> the choice to adjust this would be nice.

I'm pretty sure Mikko is correct.  A long time ago (at least a year I
think), there was a discussion about this, probably on mutt-dev.  Some
felt very passionately about defaulting to 600, others that it should
follow umask, and generally there was a lot of misunderstanding both
ways.  After the dust settled, AFAIK no one did the obvious thing and
write the code to make this an option.  (Or really two options, since
one might wish different defaults for saving attachments vs creating
new folders.)  My guess is that if someone did write a patch, it could
eventually get added to the main mutt source, but I really don't know.


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