> % When I send an encrypted mail to somebody, the encrypted version is saved in
> % =sent-mail. What I'd (in retrospect) sometimes like is an unencrypted 
> % version saved too, preferably automatically. Is this doable?
> Yep, in version 1.2 (and probably 1.1.x for x > 11 or so).  The manual
> says
>   6.3.41.  fcc_clear
>   Type: boolean
>   Default: no
>   When this variable is set, FCCs will be stored unencrypted and
>   unsigned, even when the actual message is encrypted and/or signed.
> If you encrypted your original messages to yourself (so that you can read
> them now), then you can mass-convert a folder by tagging everything and
> then using decrypt-save (which I, for instance, have bound to S with 

Encrypting to myself would be even better. How do I do that?

Åsmund Skjæveland ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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