On Sun, Jun 11, 2000 at 04:37:02PM -0500, David Champion
> If people want to probe the IMAP server every 15 minutes from their
> own systems, that's not our business, but if they probe every 90
> seconds, that also becomes our business, and we ask them to stop.

Sure, but why is it ok to poll every 15 minutes with
$GENERIC_MAIL_CLIENT but not ok to poll every 15 minutes with
fetchmail?  *That* is the question at hand, the answer to which was
"*sigh* managers".

Although this sprung from "why can't I make mutt poll every n
minutes", dragging this marginally on topic.  :-)

Jim Toth
"Since the advent of the ILOVEYOU worm, I will never again trust e-mail
sent in a Manila envelope." -- John Coughlin

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