FYI, this may help track down the problems.  I think it has something
to do with mutt_dotlock or else how I compiled it.  This is how I
compiled mutt... maybe I need to add more stuff (like the locking
stuff?) to configure?

./configure --prefix=/usr --with-sharedir=/etc --sysconfdir=/etc
--with-docdir=/usr/doc/mutt-1.2i --enable-pop --enable-imap
--enable-compressed --disable-warnings --with-slang --disable-domain
--with-ssl --enable-nfs-fix

I'm using this to build an RPM for mutt for Mandrake.  Are there
maybe other defaults I should be setting?  The only thing that is
different from the 1.0.1 compile is the --with-ssl and
--enable-nfs-fix stuff.

Thanks for helping me track this one down.  A lot of Mandrake users
have been asking for new mdk RPMs for this so I want to oblige them,
but the one I've made doesn't work very good with the readonly
mailbox and the color problems.

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