On 2000-07-10 17:59:31 +0200, Ives Aerts wrote:

> We are currently using mutt-1.0i on solaris 2.6. I
> would like to upgrade to 1.2.4 but it is a _lot_ slower
> than 1.0 when reading my mailbox over NFS. Compiling
> with --disable-fcntl helps, but that doesn't seem to be
> recommended according to the FAQ on www.mutt.org. The
> same FAQ also claims that the 'current' version's usage
> of fcntl over NFS has been made faster but that's
> certainly not my experience.

The reason for the speed decrease you are observing is
that earlier mutt versions' fcntl locking didn't really
work.  Working fcntl locking, however, will invalidate the
NFS client's cache, which in turn reduces performance to
over-the-wire speed on your local network.

Note that this cache invalidation is _not_ an error.  In
fact, some Linux versions incorrectly used cached data,
which reportedly lead to mail loss in several cases.

Bottom line: Accept the speed decrease, it's a good thing.
As an alternative, you could use maildir folders which
should still profit from NFS caching (no locking
necessary), or you could try to move your mail folder to
the local disk.

Thomas Roessler              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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