Hi there, 
i'm trying to configure mutt with mixmaster, here is my situation:

- installed mutt-1.2.4i compiled with --with-mixmaster option
- installed Mixmaster 2.9beta22 client under Linux.
- properly configured muttrc with:
  set mix_entry_format="%4n %c %-16s %a"  # Format of mixmaster list
  set mixmaster="/var/mixmaster/Mix/mix"  # mixmaster path
  (the permission seems to be right)

Whenever I send an email to someone using remailer options in the
'Remailer chain' section (where i suppose should choose which remailer
use) i get the error: /var/mixmaster/Mix/mix: Invalid option -T

-T isn't an option recognized by mixmaster client; the list of alive
remailers shouldn't taken from type2.list rather than with -T option?

What's wrong?

Thanks in advance, Mat.

PS I've also installed Mixmaster client version 3 (latest) but got the
same error, and by the way client doesn't recognize -T option.

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