Magnus Stenman proclaimed on mutt-users that:

> How nice if I could do my mail. I got [S]IMAP for incoming,
> but outgoing often gets munged or refused when I try to
> use my "home" address with the local SMTP system.
> Too bad I cannot just post my mail on my "home" box
> using SMTP +auth...

What you can do is to set up a lightweight smtp client like ssmtp (get
it from google or freshmeat).  That can be made to speak smtp auth -
and mutt can send through it using set sendmail in .muttrc

>  Get it up, keep it up.  Linux -- Viagra for your PC

scarfed for my sigfile if you don't mind ;)

Suresh Ramasubramanian + [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The giraffe you thought you offended last week is willing to be nuzzled

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