
I'm new to mutt but I am lead to believe it's one of the most powerfull mail clients 
around. My system is standard Redhat 6.2 with very few customisations. There are a 
couple of things that don't seem to be working and some features I don't understand. 
Any help or pointers appreciated as I am hoping to give mutt some _real_ heavy use. :)

* Color does not work - I have tried all the suggestions in the FAQ.
* The 'screenshots' at http://www.mutt.org show an X enhanced menu but
  I can't figure out how to get that to work.
* How (or where) does mutt save my 'sent mail'.

I really thing that I must be missing some important piece of documentation which 
helps new users get oriented with mutt's philosophy.


Rob Watkin

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