I just want the headers to come across nice and rfc standards of course,
i want to customize it a bit more, maybe appending signature to the

i want to develop it more but what could i do just to get it in rfc
standards for emailing so the clients read it fine...
/Jason G Helfman

"At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always
been in your possession."

        Fingerprint: 6A32 3774 E390 33B5 8C96  2AA1 2BF4 BD71 35A1 C149
            GnuPG http://www.gnupg.org  Get Private!  1024D/35A1C149

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
print "Your email address is: "; chomp($email = <STDIN>);
print "To: "; chomp($to = <STDIN>);
print "Subject: "; chomp($sub = <STDIN>);
print "Date of the event: "; chomp($devent = <STDIN>);
print "Time of event: "; chomp($tevent = <STDIN>);
print "Expected downtime: "; chomp($down = <STDIN>);
print "Expected impact: "; chomp($impact = <STDIN>);
print "Primary contact name is: "; chomp($contact = <STDIN>);
print "Primary contact email is: "; chomp($email2 = <STDIN>);
print "Event: "; chomp($event = <STDIN>);
print "\n\n";
print "From: $email\n";
print "Subject: $sub\n";
print "To: $to\n";
print "Date/Time of the event: $devent @ $tevent\n";
print "Expected downtime: $down\n";
print "Expected impact: $impact\n";
print "Primary contact is: $contact <$email2>\n";
print "Event: $event\n";

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