Sitting at the campfire, André Dahlqvist told:
> On Mon, Aug 28, 2000 at 08:40:59PM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> > my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andre' Dahlqvist)
> > set envelope_from
> But in what cases should one have to use that? I mean what I'm using
> now seams to work almost all the time too.

Let me explain. My From: line shows Kai Blin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
but my local address is my_username@my_hostname. That works, too, but my
mail is beeing delivered to a central mail server un the campus. So I have
this From: line to point to another mail account.

> Btw, how come some people prefer to write the name inside parenthesis
> like that, and some prefer to have the address inside < > and the name
> before it?
That's a tough one. Why do some people prefer red wine and some other like
white wine?
I don't think there is a standard for it.



Kai Blin(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])      Webmaster
Inst. of Human Genetics                         Dept. of Molecular Genetics
Wilhelmstr 27                                   phone (49)7071-2974890
D 72074 Tuebingen, Germany                      fax   (49)7071-295233
Do molecular biologists wear designer genes?

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