On Thu, Sep 21, 2000 at 14:46:17 +0100, housebee wrote:

> I have read the FAQ but could not find any help matching my problem.
> I hope someone can help me to make it able for me to check more than
> one pop3 hosts.

You could make a macro with something like this (untested):

macro index G \
"<enter-command>set pop_host=host1 pop_user=login1 pop_pass=pass1<enter>\
<enter-command>set pop_host=host2 pop_user=login2 pop_pass=pass2<enter>\
<enter-command>set pop_host=host3 pop_user=login3 pop_pass=pass3<enter>\
<fetch-mail>" \
                  "Fetch mail from my 3 pop3 accounts"


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