Thanks guys for hint and comment:
   Ben Reser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
   Ken Rachynski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Mikko H?nninen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Following is what I ended up for my Mutt 1.2.5i (debian-woody).

Now it start with "mutt", "mutt -y" or "mutt -z" without hitch.

> My mail comes as follows to my "Maildir-style" mail folder:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> POP3     cable-modem     exim
> server -> fetchmail -> procmail -+-> ~/Mail/mailing_list1/ 
>                                  +-> ~/Mail/mailing_list2/
>                                  +-> ~/Mail/Inbox/
===== ~/.muttrc ======
# Personal configuration file for Mutt

# header weeding taken from the manual (Sven's draconian header weeding)
ignore *
unignore from date subject to cc
unignore user-agent

# this host get mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] by fetchmail
# generate a From header as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
set use_from
set from="Osamu Aoki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
#set reverse_name

# add funny header
my_hdr No-MicroSoft-Client-Please: GNU/Linux RULEZ !!

# Set personal alias file
set alias_file=~/.mutt_aliases
source ~/.mutt_aliases
# "mutt" goes to Inbox, while "mutt -y" lists mailboxes
set mbox_type=Maildir           # use qmail Maildir format for creating mbox
set folder=~/Mail               # keep all mail boxes in $HOME/Mail
set spoolfile=+Inbox            # mail delivered to $HOME/Mail/Inbox
set record=+Outbox              # save fcc mail to $HOME/Mail/Outbox
set postponed=+postponed        # keep postponed in $HOME/Mail/postponed
set move=no                     # do not move Inbox items to mbox
set quit=ask-yes                # do not quit by "q" only
set delete=yes                  # always delete w/o asking while exiting
set fcc_clear                   # store fcc as non encrypted

# Mailboxes (automatic update, no funny / after mbox name)
mailboxes `ls -F -1 ~/Mail|grep -v Maillog|sed -e 's/^/+/' -e 's/\/$//'| tr "\n" " "`

# Extra key bindings

set auto_tag                                    # always act on tag
bind generic <insert> tag-entry                 # tag message in index
bind index <delete> delete-message
bind pager <insert> tag-message                 # tag message in pager
bind pager <delete> delete-message

unset pager_stop

macro pager z ":toggle pager_stop\n"    # stop at the end (z)?
bind pager \' toggle-quoted             # T is hard to use

# all important moves within pager redefined here for easy customization
#bind pager <space> next-page
bind pager <up> previous-page
bind pager <down> next-page
#bind pager <left> previous-undeleted
#bind pager <right> next-undeleted
bind pager * previous-line
bind pager - half-up
bind pager + half-down
#bind pager <enter> next-line

# Specifies how to sort messages in the index menu.
set sort=threads

+  Osamu Aoki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+   Fingerprint: 814E BD64 3288 40E7 E88E  3D92 C3F8 EA94 D5DE 453D   +
+   === ======= Cupertino, CA USA ===   +

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