On 001007, at 10:05:17, Jan Houtsma wrote:
> However other macros dont seem to have this problem....
> macro index   <F3> "c?\t\n" "Jump directly to $MAIL"              UNBOUND
> macro index   <F3> "c?\t\r" "Jump directly to $MAIL"              WORKS
> macro index   <esc>A   "!vimx $HOME/.mutt/aliases\n" "aliases"    WORKS
> The difference between the 1st two is only changing the \n i had
> before to \r.  Strange also is that the 3'd one DOES work! Tho
> also has the \n...

Perhaps in the first macro \n is interpeted by mutt, while in the
third \n is interpreted by the shell.

David Ellement <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   | Hewlett Packard, AiO Division
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