On Mon, Oct 16, 2000 at 03:43:46PM -0700, Dale Morris wrote:
> could someone post a simple spam receipe for procmail? I'm
> afraid I'll end up filtering out my important mails. You
> know, things like distant relatives writing to give me
> money and such..  thanks

Though this is off topic, might as well answer at the same
time. The following is what I have set up. It's not too
fancy. It doesn't toast the mail, it merely sticks it into a
'spam' folder. This is the only way to be safe about spam.
Periodically I go through the spam folder and manually check
for anything worthwhile, deleting the rest -- it's usually
pretty fast to do this.

- Bruce


# check for spam
* ^X-advertisement:

#check for more spam
* !^To:

# check for more spam -- anything not addressed to me
* !^TO(bruce|Blind\.Copy\.Receiver)

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