On Fri, Nov 03, 2000 at 07:07:28PM -0500, Steve Bankowitz wrote:
> Brian D. Winters [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > On Fri, Nov 03, 2000 at 03:19:30PM -0500, Steve Bankowitz wrote:
> > > (pretty standard stuff.)  But every once and a while I would like to
> > > jump back to Mutt to check a message.  Since I'm running screen I
> > > thought, ``Oh, I'll just spawn vim off in another screen and then jump
> > > back to mutt if need be.''
> > 
> > Why not leave your editor stuff alone, and spawn another mutt in
> > another screen?
> How would I do that?  Would I write a macro for `m`?

And how would you invoke that 'm' macro from inside vim??? :)  The
solution I'm suggesting has absolutely nothing to do with mutt and
everything to do with screen.  Mutt can't do what you think you want
it to do.  You need to tell screen you want a new screen, and you want
to run mutt in that new screen.

The only way to interrupt composing a message and use mutt to browse
e-mail is to postpone the current message (exit your editor, then
invoke <postpone-message>, probably with the 'P' key), browse away,
and then resume the postponed message (probably with 'R').  You can't
"jump back to mutt" from your editor, because mutt is waiting for vim
to terminate, and if I read your message correctly, you want to browse
messages in mutt without exiting vim.  That just won't work.


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