On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 04:14:24PM -0800, Robert Sweet wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 11:32:02AM -0800, Robert Sweet wrote:


> What about cc: to the poster too?

If the poster is subscribed to the list, s/he probably doesn't want to
receive two copies of the mail; your (L)ist reply will suffice.

If the poster /isn't/ subscribed, then hopefully s/he is using the
Mail-Followup-To header correctly: the MFT header will contain both the
list address *and* the poster's address. Mutt will address the reply to
all addresses in the MFT header.

If you notice that the original message [to which you are replying]
doesn't include a Mail-Followup-To header but does include a Reply-To
header, you might take the chance of CCing the poster. Generally,
though, if the message doesn't say something like "Please CC me, as I'm
not subscribed to the list", then don't CC.


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