Hi !

O.K. I've got PGP running on my workstation and want
to use it together with mutt now.

Has anyone get this running ?

I can send mail using:
set pgp_encrypt_only_command="pgp +verbose=0 +batchmode -et - %r"

But the decryption is not running :-/
set pgp_decrypt_command="PGPPASSFD=0; export PGPPASSFD; cat - %f | pgp +verbose=0 
+batchmode -f"

Everytime I try to decrypt a mail with this line I get this error:
Unrecognized data format:  stdin 
Cannot process input from:  stdin 
Error code =  8

My goal os the following:
scroll to the PGP encrypted mail,
press ENTER,
type in the passphrase,
and read the mail like all other non-PGP mails ?

Can someone point me to the right direction ?

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