Some more info (with hopes of getting a reply this time ;)...

I'm beginning to think the problem is with the nfs client. I tried updating
the server to 2.2.18pre23 with no help (it caused other problems, so I
switched back to 2.2.17). 

Just updated my client machine to 2.4.0-test11ac3 (as there were a couple
mentions of nfs fixes), also with no help.

As a test I manually added a new message to one of my mboxes. Waited a
minute then started mutt. Then looking at the atimes (ls -lu) on the client
and the server I see something like:

On the server:
-rw-------    1 jae      jae        534919 Nov 25 15:11 Mail/ldp

On the client:
-rw-------    1 jae      jae        534919 Nov 25 15:14 Mail/ldp

If remount the Mail directory the atime gets set back to the server value.
At least until I restart mutt when it gets set back to the current time

I tried mounting with various nfs options; 'noac' (no attribute caching),
sync, and noatime. But this didn't help either. 

Just to clarify something... mutt _does_ reset the atime on a mbox after
checking it for new mail. Right?

John Eikenberry wrote:

> I run mutt on my workstation with my mail directory nfs mounted. Mail get
> sorted into various folders in the mail dir automatically (via exim), I
> have these in my muttrc as mailboxes. 
> Both machines are Debian/Linux boxes. The server is debian stable, running
> kernel 2.2.17 using the kernel nfs server. The client is debian unstable
> running kernel 2.4.0-test10 and mutt 1.2.5i.
> The problem seems to be with atimes getting set upon mutt startup. When
> first starting mutt the status line will report new mail in several of my
> mailboxes (eg. Inc:2), but as soon as I refresh the display the Inc:
> disappears. The mail is still in the mailboxes, and marked as new in them,
> but the status line no longer reports this.
> Once mutt is running this works as it should (the Inc: stays until the
> mailbox is checked). It only has this problem at startup.
> After doing a bit of testing, it seems like mutt is setting the atime of
> the mailboxes with new mail upon startup. Actually I think mutt is probably
> behaving correctly (by saving and resetting the atime), but the nfs server
> isn't.
> Has anyone else run into this problem? Does the newly patched knfs server
> in linux-2.2.18preX work any better, how about the knfsv3 server in 2.2.18?
> Any other solutions besides ditching nfs and switching to a imap,
> fetchmail, etc?
> Thanks in advance for any advice. 
> Oh... I did try recompiling with the --enable-nfs-fix. It made no
> difference.


John Eikenberry
"A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
 will deserve neither and lose both."
                                          --B. Franklin

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