
At home, I'm running mutt under Cygwin ncurses (can't get slang to work . . .)
with ssmpt as my mta.

Here, (work) my userid is the same as my id to the mail server.

At home, my user id is "charles" (Heck, I'm the only "Charles" who lives
there, so why not.)  But my isp calls me by its own name.

I've noticed that I cannot send to any domain outside my isp using mutt,
though my old email client (netscape 4.75) still works.

I've examined the headers and observed that netscape puts my isp email
address in the "From:" field in the header:

"From: Charles Krug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

However, mutt does this:

"From: Charles Krug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

With my actual user id for my isp appearing lower in the header.

My belief is that this is the cause of my inability to send email outside the
domain, but of course I'm not certain.

However, when I follow the suggestions in the FAQ about the address being
munged, I still get the same results.  I've tried several variations on the
themes in the FAQ with the same results.

I am wondering what else can be tried.  My next thought is to create another
Cygwin user profile with the appropriate links to the correct mailboxes.  Or I
could simply move the mailboxes to the new profile--makes no difference in the

Is there anything else I should try first?



Charles Krug, Jr.
Applications Engineer
Pentek Corp
1 Park Way
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458

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